Gods Triumphant Plan

A Supplemental Church

Welcome to Lunchtime Church

A Mid-week Pick Me Up!

Coming Soon

Interactive Church

There are thousands of sermon messages to watch online; Lunchtime Church (LTC) is different in many ways. We want to have a living experience because our Abba Father is a living experience. Ask questions, make comments, and download the message text.

The heart of both GTPE and LTC is Biblical Counseling, the best presentation of the Scripture for our lives there is. Our relationship with our Abba Father and our job in the Family business is the only model that truly brings all the Scripture to life. Therefore we must view the Scripture through the lens of our relationships, both spirit and human.

A second foundation is our book, “Wow, I Want What They Have,” which is our interpretation of what it means to be made in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27). We recommend buying it (and reading it); no other Scripture book is like it. CLICK HERE

Our Focus

LTC is a Scripture-based supplemental ecclesia (church) for all denominations. It does not matter whether our Abba Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one, two, or three spirits, they did what the Scripture says they did, and we can all learn more about them. Doctrine should not divide our Abba Father’s children.

The largest difference between what you are used to and LTC is that our emphasis is on our relationship with our Abba Father and our job in the Family business, in contrast with the traditional preaching of his promises and our redemption which makes it all about us.

But we do not critique any denomination, they all serve our Abba Father’s purpose, and they all have Romans 10:9, our redemption and great unifier in our Holy Bibles.

The Scripture

LTC is for all believers in the Holy Bible God as written in the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek languages. English is simply not up to the task of our Abba Father. For example, Greek uses seven different words to present “love,” and the English language only uses one word.

Three Greek words for love are used in the Scripture but the one we use the most in life, eros, is not in the Scripture. It is impossible to understand the “love of God” in English when it has so many meanings to choose from.


Donations are from the heart; they are not the “tithe” most churches talk about. Lunchtime Church is a labor of love, please just enjoy it. That said, our GTPE prison ministry and Biblical Counseling have overhead and a drop in that bucket would be greatly appreciated. DONATE

Coming Soon!

There is no requirement to watch in your time zone.

Attend any convenient hour.

12 Noon Eastern Time

12 Noon Central Time

12 Noon Mountain Time

12 Noon Pacific Time